Admissions to University of Arizona Software Engineering graduate program is handled through the UA Graduate College.

Admissions Requirements

Requirements include a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited university in the United States or equivalent UA-recognized international university. A student who does not have a degree equivalent to the university’s BS in a computing-related program but who is admitted may be required to complete additional graduate-level pre-requisite courses prior to enrolling in some graduate courses. This policy applies to students in the MS-thesis and non-thesis options.

  • Students must have obtained an undergraduate degree with a minimum 3.0 average grade point or meet the UA Graduate College’s minimum admissions requirements.
  • Applicants whose native language is not English must pass an English proficiency test. A description of acceptable tests can be found on the Graduate College website.



Application Deadlines

Master’s Programs
Fall Semester: Rolling admissions
Spring Semester: Rolling admissions

Doctoral Program
Fall Semester: January 5


Submission Reminders

Please include the following materials with your application.

  • Official transcript
  • Letter of intent, describing your professional experiences, interest in SFWE research area(s), and your career goals
  • Minimum of three letters of recommendation
  • A detailed resume or curriculum vitae
  • Grade Point Average and academic background:
    • Students must have obtained an undergraduate degree with a minimum 3.0 average grade point or meet the UA Graduate College’s minimum admissions requirements.
    • An undergraduate degree in software engineering, or computed related program. 
    • Proficiency in 1+ programming language, or 1-2 years of industry experience in a software-related position.
  • Proof of English proficiency per the Graduate College's guidelines for international students whose first language is not English